Spiritual tools For the Creation of a  Powerful Mind!

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” 2Timothy 1:7

If the God of the universe, being an unlimited God, lives within us and seeks to live through us, consequently, we will possess unlimited potential, unlimited authority, and unlimited power in submission to God. There are, therefore, no impossibilities before God. I believe God is moving now to break His people free from old cycles and old belief systems to get His people ready for a season of explosive power ahead! The Battle is fierce; we are in a war and the battle is for the mind of man!

God has Blueprinted and pre-coded a marvelous destiny within us, determined by Him from before time. The enemy has worked aggressively to implant faulty code and error into the DNA structure of generational lines through sin and iniquity. He presently is working to hack the human brain (according to the WEF). Satan is after our DNA in order to bring us harm by manipulating our code and invading our structure to control and alter our destiny.

Because of this, God is presently emphasizing the health of our brains and minds. His intention is to perform a supernatural work to facilitate our thinking processes toward being united with His. His intention is for His people to be able to discern accurately and think critically, that they may rise and stand as the sons of God in this extraordinary hour of history.

The LORD is the Head of the Body; He is the Brain, and He is the Mind. The LORD’s Supernatural Omnipotent Brain is presently creating new neural pathways to bring transformation, regeneration, resurrection power, and Life into our brains, supplying it with the capacity to fully possess the Mind of Christ with all its virtues and power. A neural pathway is a series of connected neurons that send signals from one part of the brain to another.  God is sending supernatural signals from His brain to ours to release life and power.

The Lord highlighted the word regeneration to me, it means renewal or restoration of a body part; a body, restored to a better, higher, or more worthy state. He has promised us in His Word the power of a sound mind. A fierce battle is now being waged for control of the mind and the brain of the Body of Christ!  Alzheimer’s and Dementia, mental Health isues, lies, confusion, and the demonic distortion of truth are on the rise. The spoken lie is given power when received and can become a curse that steals health, potential, the wonderful possibilities of a life, and its true destiny in God.

According to scripture, when we commit our actions and decisions unto God, He will establish our thoughts—He directs our thinking (Prov. 16:3). The word thought in this passage is the Hebrew word machashabah meaning imagination, purpose, and thought. God will invade our imaginations, our purposes, and our thoughts with His!


Misguided faith, shaping a person’s beliefs has ‘substance’ and will become ‘evidence’, drawing circumstances and experiences to affirm their beliefs, and therefore shape their life and destiny, negatively (or positively Heb. 11:1). This is sometimes called the belief-expectation cycle. Diabolical spiritual entities then support the process by continually working to plant thoughts to reinforce these ungodly beliefs over a person’s lifetime, successfully keeping them bound in captivity to lies.  

People, or even whole societies, will accept a lie as the truth when it is told repeatedly over time. This has been proven through numerous instances over History—e.g. Hitler’s demonic propaganda regarding the Jews, and the present attempt by certain nations to re-write history. Germans were well-educated people, yet they chose to believe the lies and the propaganda and follow an insane leader on a disastrous path.

Propaganda is a powerful tool, as it reinforces a lie through repetition.  No one is exempt from falling into this trap, except for those who walk closely with the Lord and who are led by the Holy Spirit. God created our brains to respond to faith—according to what we believe and therefore what we confess and declare with our mouths. We become what we repeatedly say and repeatedly do! Scripture tells us that as a man thinks in our hearts, so is he (Prov. 23:7).

From the moment of birth, the brain continually receives and processes information from the senses, from the soul—mind, will, and emotions—and from the spiritual realm, whether good or evil.  The brain processes all the information it receives, and based on a choice to believe, will produce for the individual, a worldview. God created the soul and the supercomputer we call the brain to be the servant of man’s spirit—the spirit being the place of communion between God and man, and for the Christian the seat of His throne. Yet, for the world, the soul through intellect has become master.

“For those who live according to the flesh, set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit.  For to be carnally minded is death, but to be Spiritually minded is life and peace. Because the carnal mind is enmity against God, for it is not subject to the law of God, nor indeed can be.”  Romans 8:5-7

Our will, our attitude, and our speech—that is what we say—reflect our core beliefs, and the conclusions formed are registered in the brain. The brain is a great servant and serves our beliefs whether they are Godly and true, or ungodly and false!  An ungodly belief is any belief that is not in agreement with the Word of God or aligned with the principles of God. It is a belief that exalts itself above the truth and knowledge of God (2 Cor. 10:5).


Having intentionality about protecting our brains and our thinking processes is now crucial.  God’s power combined with the practice of disciplining our minds will bring great transformation to our lives. In science this is referred to as neuroplasticity:

According to Colorado State, Healthy aging center, Neuroplasticity is the brain’s ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural pathways throughout life and in response to experiences. While the brain usually does this itself in response to injury or disease, when humans focus their attention enough, they can slowly rewire these pathways themselves.

Our brains will revert to old patterns and pathways if not interrupted with new and consistent data. Our brains function like a computer and are in need of new programs and new software. Our spirits can fix the faulty programs in the brain; therefore our spirit must be at the forefront, in the lead, not our flesh.

Dr. Frank Minirth in his book A Brilliant Mind says: Most of us naturally use less than 5% of our overall brain potential. The development of the other 95% lies in our own hands. The brain can be tuned developed and improved. It is the most highly developed computer ever made, and yet the circuits and the cells must be sharpened until it becomes analogous to a highly tuned engine…Learning not only causes new synapsis but to a degree also causes neurogenesis, the formation of new brain cells. You can indeed expand the capacity of your mind from the normal adult’s 5% to a much higher percentage.

He goes on to say: You must concentrate to memorize, but concentration is not the whole process of word memorization: perhaps I should add the word COMMAND. When you direct the brain to do a task, it releases powerful chemicals in the direction requested. When you concentrate and then tell your brain to memorize something, potent chemicals are released to aid in the memorization. If what we take into our brains, then, ultimately defines us, what kinds of things do you want to put into your brain? How do you want to be defined? I believe that utilizing the bible in memorization exercises can define you in a more positive way. (Emphasis mine)

If this is the case, then, it is critical that the Body of Christ begins to command our brains and reprogram them with the software of the Word of God. Let us cast down vain imaginations, take every ungodly thought captive, and receive and dream the imaginations and thoughts of God.

We must intentionally train our brains to believe by repeatedly commanding them in an authoritative way with the Word of God. We can command our brains in regard to our health, our beliefs about finances, and the virtues we desire to function in. We do this as we simultaneously recognize, reject, resist, and refuse every thought that exalts itself above God’s thoughts then replace them with the Word of God.!

“Have faith in God. For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things HE SAYS will be done, he will have whatever HE SAYS. Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, BELIEVE that you receive them, and you will have them.” Mark 11:23

Let us work to intentionally become re-programmed with the supernatural software of the Word of God. Demons search out sin and ungodly beliefs and are drawn to it, likewise Holy Spirit, Jesus, and the Father are drawn to the Word and to our faith in Christ. When the Commandments of God were taken out of the schools, the world sank into depravity! The Lord highlighted this scripture to me.

 “This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:8-9

The word mouth in this passage, is the Hebrew word peh, and, as has been shared by many, we are in the decade of peh—a decade where the voices of God’s people will be given great authority. The word meditate is hâgâh  which means to murmur in pleasure, to ponder, imagine, meditate, roar, speak, study, talk, utter. The word observe is shâmar and means guard; to protect, attend to, be circumspect, take heed, keep, mark, look closely, preserve, regard, reserve, wait for, watchman.

These definitions all show the high bar of reverence and love for the Word of God He expects from us—a reverence that moves us to discipline and receives an empowered and transformed mind that will overcome and defeat the enemy’s diabolic plan over the next seven years of this decade. (This word is built upon the previous Word the Lord gave me Neurons Are Firing!)

About The Author

Faith Marie Baczko Faith Marie Baczko is the president of Headstone International Ministries and HVAH—Headstone Virtual Apostolic Hub. Faith is an apostolic, prophetic teacher and author, bringing significant revelation to mobilize, equip and strengthen the Body of Christ for this momentous hour of history. She carries key insights into the profound significance of Israel's place in the purposes of God for the time of the summing up of all things in Christ. She models a life that inspires others to live undistracted and rigorously devoted to passionately pursuing Christ. Faith is an international speaker, and through her ministry and work in South America, she has garnered enduring relationships with pastors and leaders, united in passion for truth that is the foundation of revival. Her books are also available in Spanish.

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