
Mysteries of The Kingdom & Israel

The message of the significance of Israel is foundational to the end-time structure God is building that He will return to! In these times of the summing up of all things the focus will be foundations and leadership. God intends to shake everything including His House, rebuild the foundations, cleanse the defilement in its walls, reset […]

A Table Prepared For You!

In preparation for the coming of the Lord on the Day of the Lord, the Holy Spirit is doing a purging and cleansing work with Fire on churches, peoples, and regions where His Glory will rest. This has been a work of Mercy and Grace on the Lord’s part, that we may be able to […]
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Receiving The Blessings of The Patriarchs!

THE BLESSINGS OF ISRAEL IN CHRIST I have been teaching and talking for decades about the time of UNTIL —representing the season when the trajectory of the Divine Plan turns once again to Israel for the conclusion and climax of history (Rom. 11:25). I believe we have arrived at that time—a time when world history will shift dramatically […]

The Four Horsemen, Israel, Palestine, & Deception!

Amid the ongoing complexities surrounding Israel and the Palestinians, a web of misinformation has woven a deceptive narrative throughout the world. In tackling this subject let’s begin with Jesus!  Jesus is Jewish! He was born in Israel, fulfilling the word of prophecy. He will return to Israel, again fulfilling prophecy—showing Israel’s permanence in the land! After the […]

PART VII – What Are You Building?

I keep seeing this question hovering over the Body of Christ: WHAT ARE YOU BUILDING? As we have progressed in Spiritual understanding over the centuries, a clearer and more accurate picture of THE HOUSE GOD DESIRES has been coming closer into view. This means the cutting away of faulty building materials based on carnal thinking […]

Honoring The Patriarchs

Israel stands today as a testimony to the existence of Yahweh, the Living God of all Creation. Israel was brought forth as God’s prophet nation that spoke the Word of God through their prophets and their history to the nation and the nations of the world. By their very existence, Israel continues as a testimony […]

Operation: Let My People Go!

This year, Israel celebrates 75 years of its Independence as a nation, after close to two thousand years of dispersion following the destruction of the city of Jerusalem by the Romans! In 2023, beginning on May 7th, Five million people globally, comprised of Churches, Leaders and Ministries, have presently united in the Isaiah 62 Fast initiated by Mike […]
Part I – Emerges

Part I: The Fourth Beast – Pacts & Alliances

The Fourth Kingdom represented by Daniel’s Fourth Beast is now attempting to come out on the World Stage. It is a world government taking power over nations that have acquiesced to the rule of a Cabal of unelected elites comprised of world leaders and supported by billionaires and multinational corporations.
Ark of God

The Israel of God – The Ark of God!

“For in Christ Jesus, neither circumcision nor uncircumcision avails anything, but a new creation. And as many as walk according to this rule, peace and mercy be upon them, and upon the Israel of God.” Galatians 6:15 The Israel of God is the Ark of God prepared for the salvation of mankind! Scriptures show that those in Christ, have been […]


I believe that we are nearing the end of the Messianic age and many of this generation will live to see the Return of Jesus. When I first got saved thirty years ago, God took over my world and completely turned it upside down. It felt as if I was picked up and deposited into boot […]
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The Alpha & The Omega: The Continuum!

As we enter 2023, it will become important to possess an understanding of timings in the movements of God as seen over history. My new book The Lord of Armies provides a broad overview of this seen through the lens of the history of Mystery Babylon. Much of the time people tend to look too […]

2022 – All Aboard! 

In January of 2020, during a time of worship, I received a vision of myself standing in a boat in the middle of the ocean, with my hands raised in joyous worship in the middle of a great storm. I then heard the words of the song Raise a Hallelujah: …in the middle of the storm. The Lord then […]