
“For a Mere Moment”

On this show I would like to share my heart on the situation in America and the prophetic words regarding the presidency. Prophets are now being accused of having gotten it wrong, of being false prophets, and many are speaking out and cursing the prophetic. I feel I have a word from the Lord about […]

2022 – All Aboard! 

In January of 2020, during a time of worship, I received a vision of myself standing in a boat in the middle of the ocean, with my hands raised in joyous worship in the middle of a great storm. I then heard the words of the song Raise a Hallelujah: …in the middle of the storm. The Lord then […]

A Deluge is coming! Painting by Anne Reid

A DELUGE IS COMING! had a dream last night. I was outside; many other people were also outside, including a close friend. She was very excited as it was raining. I suddenly heard a voice from heaven, say, “A DELUGE IS COMING!” I looked up and had a strong assurance in my spirit that it […]

Be Positioned In me For The Times!

God is saying first and foremost be focused on Him, intentionally looking to Him, positioned in Him, sitting at His gates and waiting daily in His Presence. He then impressed upon me that like Elijah, we were to be positioned in prayer, with our faces set, ready to each run our supernatural race.

Becoming the Golden Conduit of His Glory!

MY TRIUMPHANT ONES were created to become the Golden Pipes—the Conduit from which the golden anointing Oil flows to embrace humanity with My Glory. The Gold you are becoming is being refined and purified to carry the Divine—the Divine Life, Divine Voice, and the Anointing of My Glory and Power.

Brace For Impact & Breakout in 2021!

I was praying this morning, when I heard the Lord say, “IT’S TIME TO LAND THIS THING,” I was shocked, as I saw that He was again referring to the rocket! I then heard The Lord say, “BRACE FOR IMPACT!” I then began to see the entire year of 2020 as process in a means […]

Called as Ambassadors of Reconciliation!

“All this is from God who reconciled us to Himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: that God was reconciling the world to Himself in Christ, not counting men’s sins against them. And He has committed to us the message of reconciliation. We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors as though God were making […]

Fanning the Flames! Mary Di Paolo

To fan the flames we must burn with God’s power, not a power to become comfortable with but the power to do the impossible! Don’t let your fire burn out! Keep it burning by fanning those embers keeping the flames alive by the power of His Spirit. Look for the embers that can be fanned […]

God is Making You a Sure Place!

The Glory train of Heaven is about to unite with prepared stations where the tracks have been made ready for the final Golden Spike to be driven into place! God’s Golden Spike is about to be driven into sure and anointed places, prepared by God over decades to carry His Glory. “And the key of […]

His Grace is Sufficient!

I was recently awakened in the middle of the night with a burning question in my heart: What would the apostle Paul and the disciples do in the situations that believers are now faced with in Canada, the United States and other parts of the world? How would they live, walk, and comport themselves? In my mind, […]


In this hour of history, it is God’s desire that we go deep into the depths of understanding of the Communion table, the significance of Communion to our growth into the stature of Christ, and of the power resident in Communion for the warfare of the hour! For many, Communion is something that we have […]


In the attempt of the disciple, and faithful follower to capture or grasp the essence of the LORD, the words and concepts of Glory, majesty, goodness, and weight usually come to mind. Yet even these words seem to fall short as inadequate in expressing the superlative substance of who the Creator of the universe is. […]